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[Devotional] Creativity:Pathway To Economic Dignity- Pst.James Olaitan

A man or woman who is creative has a full assurance of being dignified Economically.Read  today's Devotional and be blessed.

Without any iota of doubt, world over, most nations are groaning and writhing under the pressure of economic toughness although some of the nations pretermed as World Powers are pretentiously presenting themselves as exempted.

But as God's children, you're not expected to be a victim of the economic tension ongoing in whatever part of the world you're found because your case, by redemption, is ordained for distinction (See Exod. 9:22-23). Because the gross economic gripes won't recede as known by Scriptural prophetic facts.

How can you be a child of God, with the deposit of the supercharged God's-wisdom-loaded mind of Christ in you, and you're living at the mercy of the economic experience of your environment as if you're from here (John 8:23)?

Now, can you imagine Jesus living in that part of the world you are and be suffering under the weight of the financial pangs taking its toll on it's dwellers? I know your answer is an emphatic capital No! Why? We understand from Scriptures in John 6:6 that while others were griping about insufficiency, He knew what to do to command strange abundance and sufficiency. In other words, he knew how not to be a victim of circumstances as others by putting His supernatural creative faculties to work.

Okay, let's further go down memory lane from Scriptures looking at the case of Jacob under the management of Laban his father-in-law. Laban, trickily, wanted to perpetually keep him under his control thereby determining his condition. But, one day came, in the process of a soul-search, like gbam! He hit a jackpot idea. As a result, he made known to his master his intent for self-liberty which his master attempted to negotiate to which he declined.

As we know, he went a step further to engage his idea turning it into material reality, and as a result got his long-desired economic distinction established (See Gen. 30:25-43).

We see also Isaac, at a time of economic doom, by engaging his redemptive mental faculty to tap into heaven's idea enjoyed personal economic boom until he suddenly became an envied institution in his days (See Gen. 26:3-14).

Why all these references? I attempt to pull the scales off your eyes, if you're a Christian, to recognize your position by redemption and the distinction it has to offer you in the midst of obvious global economic pangs and frustrations.

Hit Word: As a genuinely saved child of the Most High God, at such biting times as these, you should increasingly be a blessing, and not be found among the statistics of those who are begging. Never! I repeat, Never! Because you have not been redeemed for survival but for impact.

However, just like our referenced covenant progenitors engaged their heaven's-wisdom-infested creative minds to invent their desired experience in spite of the advent of dominating economic stings, you and I have the same responsibility to sit still within and without to tap into heaven's news on the feasible way out to establish our destined enviable distinction in these hard times we have found ourselves. It's, however, noteworthy to emphasize that your intellectuality has no answer to the woes of these times but your avid connectivity to heaven's frequency of creativity.

Therefore, it's time to sit down taxing your redeemed mind to produce lasting answers as you keep probing "What can I do to be exempted from the heat of these days in order not to shame my redemption?" As you do, I see God releasing heaven's ideas that will colourfully catapult you into new levels of prosperity in these days of advancing scarcity in Jesus name.

Quote: The process of meditation will always engender the products of solution to man's bogging concerns....Pst. Olaitan James

I pray for someone here today, as you begin to put your creative powers to work, the ideas and resources that will establish your breakthrough amidst this era of global economic breadowns, will be gushingly released to you supernaturally in the name of Jesus. Therefore, welcome to your season in which your pitiable conditions will be converted into enviable testimonies in Jesus name.

Remember, Jesus loves you
Have a wonderful weekend.
Be saved, Stay Saved, and Stay Safe.

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